Son Huasteco
What is Son Huasteco?
The Huasteca region consists of several states of Northeastern Mexico, including, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Hidalgo, and Puebla.

The Son Huasteco’s music style is part of the intricate music genre known as the son. Mexico is home to several son styles which are a result of a mixture (mestizaje) of cultures which occurred as a result of Spanish conquest and colonization.
Son Huasteco is a uniquely regional style of music, which requires virtuosity and mastery of the following instruments; the violin, the 5-stringed jarana huasteca, and the guitarra quinta (huapanguera).

The music produced by this trio is known as Huapango or Son Huasteco. It is one of Mexico’s oldest & most vibrant styles of folk music. Some of the more popular sones are El Gusto, El Caiman, La Leva and El Cielito Lindo.
Several features include the unique bowing technique and melodic phrasing of the violin, the vigorous & syncopated strumming of both the jarana and huapanguera, and the singing style which is commonly characterized by a falsetto.
Percussive footwork known as a zapateado also adds a rhythmic element to the music.